Thursday, June 14, 2012

SNEH.....A Short Story

She was staring at the train schedule screen at the busy Churchgate Station.Lost in oblivion she was recalling,how he would come to collect her from there and together they would board the Andheri Slow Local.He had special liking for slow local trains as it gave him 10 minutes more with her.With the evening sea breeze blowing her hair,he would keep on arranging them,and she would keep on blabbering in and out on how her day had been.With roasted groundnuts in his hand he would keep on throwing one by one to her mouth.She had always sensed jealousy and pleasure in the co-passengers.She seldom missed any of them,infact he was really good at it.

Three years later,she was married now.The turmoils and the great days together kept on bringing smiles to her.Memories and memoirs were indeed worth cherishing.She had been expecting,since last six months.The maternity leave application had been accepted today by her superiors at the Bank.Fellow female Colleagues kept on taunting and commenting her,she was the best after all in the area she handled.She was pregnant during the peak period of her career,and well thats not acceptable nowadays by the success driven society.The society which itself doesnt know the definition of success.

She felt bit remorse and gloomy.Reasons she didnt know herself.Perhaps something should not have happened.Perhaps they should have excersised precautions.Perhaps,they shouldnt have married.And a random thought too,hopefully it will be a miscarriage and she will be back to her desk.

A tear trickled out,Sneh had ensured nothing happens to her.Disciplined evening and Morning strolls,well designed diet,proper nutrients/medicines on time.She recalled how he got rid of his smoking habit,saying it could harm her and the baby.Every saturday he would take her to the doctor just to ensure all was fine.Checked her virtually via Online modes or phone calls every two hours.She recalled,how he begged before her Mom,to be available during delivery.She recalled how he sobbed when her mother declined it and said she was no longer related.

A tender touch over the shoulder,anybody else would have stuttered and shivered.But Priya knew the touch,it was of the dream,of the comfort,of the cushion,of the pain,of the love,of Sneh.He turned her slowly towards him,kept his left hand over her head.She felt like crying again,then smiled.Natural reaction her face had whenever they touched his shoulders since the first time they had touched.

'Doctor has restricted against groundnuts,today we'll be playing with grapes,fresh from Nagpur.'He excitingly murmured into her ears.


A walk from station to room was always a pleasure.With a cigarette in hand,waving smiles at few known faces and enjoying the evening sea breeze.It had been my daily habit since the day I joined this small financial firm at Tambaram,Chennai.

Today was 31st March so I was late and didn't get the normal fast train I usually take.I had to contend with slower train.I reached at 1100PM,too late for this city's liking.Coming out of station I couldn't find any familiar faces to wave at,sea breeze had changed to chilled gales due to the cyclone that struck Salem few hours back.I had got an automated call from my cell phone operator too."Cyclone hitting Chennai in next hour so stay in home to stay safe."

A storm was there within me ,perhaps the ill-productive financial year had a role to play or emotionally ill-equipped or unfulfilled ambitions I never learnt what.Suddenly,a gust of wet breeze put me off guard and my cigarette was also blown away.
The screams of breeze were far more threatening than the war cry of soldiers in Chola's regime.I felt that the wind from all the four directions had conspired to either blow me away or definitely blow my varied thoughts away.
I increased my pace but winds from North ensured that for every one step I took,I was back three steps.

Somehow clutching the poles ,trees,rickety cart wheels and shutters I moved towards my room,and I paused.
In front of me a body was lying,perhaps fainted.She might have been hit by some moving objects or lightning might have struck or a night crime.It wasn't her state that was bothering me,but her presence on this secluded road at this hour that was hitting me.
Is she one of the nocturnal beauties,a dirty thought of a conscience less mind.

I reached to her,'Are you OK'.No reaction from the still body.

The storm had ensured load shedding and none of the houses or shops were giving any sign of light or human existence.
I took a call,and touched her forehead,with my torch-light guiding me to her other features.Her head was ice cold.Was she dead?
I picked her up,she was so light,I felt like I am holding a bundle of feathers in my hand.With torch in my mouth I reached the nearest shade.Wiped her face,the glowing 'kumkum' on her forehead and a beautiful Golden 'Mangalsutra' were so appealing.
She was a family woman duly cultured.There was a torch clasped in her right hand and a small sheet of paper in left.

I took it out,patient's name "Sanweksha".My hands started shaking,I realised she had come after getting the news of cyclone to see where was I stuck.I had been avoiding her calls since morning and our daughter 'Sanweksha' had been having fever from last few days.I hated myself at that moment.Embraced her and allowed my heart to speak out my guilt,perhaps she would hear me.Then,carried her on my hands just the way I did when we were at Ooty our favourite romantic locale.

Tears wouldn't leave me or was it the torrential rain that was dropping from my face on her beautiful face washing out the insecurity that my stupidity filled nature had brought.

Aur Ek Pain Kahaani....Short Story

Rohan wasnt willing to enter his home today.It wasnt the shame,or guilt that was bothering him,but the teared eyes of Ma.He rememberd how had she reacted the day he had entered after smoking.Today Rohan was drunk.

Kusum always knew his son Rohan though was sincere,decent,strong and orderly,yet the blood within him was of an addict who died young.It had been difficult for her to bring up her two kids,but being the epitome of strength she had done her duties brilliantly.Lathika,her daughter was married to Nishanth,an entrepreneur and settled in North Carolina and Rohan was ACP for the city,cracking the IPS exams at the tender age of 23.

After News flash during his 0930PM regular drill with Officials,a confirmation from the Minstry he was in a state of shock.He wasnt able to conduct his session nor was able to calm himself down.First time his legs were trembling and eyes were bleeding tears.He quietly slipped into his cabin and gulped the bottle a goon had kept there despite his threats.

How will he say this to Ma,her only mode of smile had been faded.No he wont.But he knew Kusum was avid news tracker and she cant be kept in dark for too long.He drank his heart out.Reached for his belongings and drove to home.

He rang the bell,'Kani ruku,aiwi rahal Chhi,(please wait I am coming)'.Kusum opened the door with same glazing face and a smile which made everyday a pleasure to return home for Rohan.'I know you are drunk,you shouldnt do these things.At 25 you are doing these things.Do you want to leave me too.'Her voice had coarsed now.

Rohan could not stop his tears,he tried to say but controlled himself.Kusum came up with a glass of lemonade and kept it on a table.

Rohan picked up his glass and his hands were trembling.Below the glass was his and Kusum's passport and two tickets.

'Now freshen up fast,flight is at 0400AM and its already midnight,they are planning her cremation day after tomorrow.Lets met her for the last time.' said Kusum with agonized voice and hidden tears

Lathika had been shot dead by a student on a shooting spree in the school she taught.


This Saturday evening,Rajan's entire hope were pinned on his as well as his team's performance at the finals of Mahatma Gandhi Gold Shield Cricket tournament.His innings few hours back had won his team the crucial Semi finals over last year champions from the next District.The Finals,were slated just an hour after the Semis.Rajan was drained as his three over bowling spell had taken out most of his fluids this humid afternoon.Thereafter he played  a brisk knock,scoring forty six runs from mere seventeen deliveries to take the team past finish line.
An inning of supremacy,an inning of temperament,an inning of pain.He was feeling the damages it had done to his thighs and toes.

Rajan was the only child of Rajesh and Revathi,a couple that were treated as 'achhoot'/'untouchables' in this society of Work based discrimination.Rajesh was the best 'rickshaw-wallah',whom all searched for meeting their schedules and Revathi,the best cleaner a hospital could ever have.As a result of her efforts,a two roomed broken bricked house,ever crowded with sick people,looked like it actually was,ie a 'Sadar Aspatal'(Government Hospital).

Last week,Rajesh had met with an accident while he was carrying the local priest to the temple.Priest kept on cursing about how the 'Muhurat' of 'Kalyanam' was being missed despite Rajesh's desperate yet best efforts.He had ensured Priest reaches on time.He had then collected his fare and also his last breath.

Thereon,Revathi wasnt permitted to work in Hospital as she was a widow and hence could impart spells on real sick people-people with Sick body,Sick heart and Sicker soul.Rajan had decided they will leave for Vijaywada,where he will take a small job in the brick urn where his few friends worked.Revathi knew she had bore a talent and wont allow it to be wasted in this calamity.

Rajan was nicknamed as 'Kallis' for his all-around performances on field.He would break the stumps with the same speed with which he would hit the cricket ball to the boundary.In this district tournament he had single handily brought his unknown team,not even a dark horse,just a step away from glory.

For Revathy it was not only the victory that mattered but she heard few local boys talk,that if Rajan would receive the Man of The Tournament he'll be ensured of a place at the academy at Hyderabad,with Rs 3500 stipend,admission at a Government school and respect.

At the finals,the opponents were comfortably placed with just nine runs required of six deliveries.The Ball was in Rajan's hand,he ran he bowled and he got two wickets in his first two deliveries.The next ball wasn't playable nor it did any casualty.The next ball was hit for three runs courtesy a never required overthrow by Siva,the Priest's son.Next ball another wicket.Now the match was placed with Six runs required from one delivery for the opponents.

Few minutes later,It was chaos all around.Claps or cheers or shouts or screams one could never differentiate.
Revathi was running towards the ground cursing herself,crying,yelling.

Rajan lay dead with a wickets in blood thrown all around.

His own team mates had killed him as his last ball was hit for six runs.

LOSS......A Short Story

Neetu was not being able to control her tears.She had just restored her senses.And was feeling loss of weight,words and responsibilty.The responsibility that she felt,she will never have now.

Few hours back during her routine evening walk she had seen a young girl.Her beautiful face and innocent moves had caught Neetu's attention.Suddenly,she saw the swing on which Rishabh,her son was playing gaining speed and the young girl was heading towards it.She rushed rush to save the girl.

In a flash it all had happened.The swing had hit Neetu in her lower abdomen.

The girl was saved and A girl was lost.

Monday, March 26, 2012

IRUVAR-The Duo My Personal Favourite

IRUVAR – The Duo, traces the lives of MGR and Karunanidhi Politics in TN as background.I watched it exactly 15 years after its release.And I agree 1997 was not Mani's year as his two brilliant movies bombed.'Dil Se' and 'Iruvar'.Other than it being Aishwarya's debut movie I dont think non-Tamils know anything more about Iruvar.

Rational thinking ,Self-respect -Dravidian movement’s founding idealogies,Party’s principles,MGR’s legacy etc are something into oblivion nowadays with Tamils more worried about US and Karakoram.What am I writing,perhaps the hangover has enetered my conscience.But I know one thing.It is indeed a fascinating world – Politics and Tamil Film Industry.

Given the background, I am sure you will agree with me when I say that the storyline is highly controvesial and very contemporary. What Maniratnam had undertaken was nothing less than a tight-walk rope over a bed of nails with a knife pointed at his neck,ready to bleed him to death ,if he so much as shook his body slightly. Believe me, I am not exaggerating.It is with some trepidation then that I started watching “IRUVAR”.But Maniratnam acquits himself in a way,I would have never imagined!.

Maniratnam’s “IRUVAR” is the story of two people – a poet and an actor , their friendship ,their dreams and their ambitions.It is just a convenient co-incidence that their lifestory resembles two people from Tamilnadu politics and film industry.Nothing more and nothing less!.

Anandan, a struggling actor from Kerala and Tamilchelvam, a poet and activist strike a friendship on the sets of Anandan’s first film as a hero.The actor is a fan of the poet. He knows that with the help of the poet’s fiery pen,he can reach the masses like nobody else can! His instinct turns out to be right.He becomes a Star.And no ordinary Star at that! The mass worship the very land he treads on.He himself does not understand the adulation showered on him or realise the power that is all his to grasp!

It is Tamilchelvam who opens Anadan’s eyes to what he has been offered in a brilliantly conceived scene.

Anandan is dragged from his lunch to the terrace by Tamilchelvam.He urges Anandan to go and look. Anandan walks to the edge of the terrace and is puzzled to see a huge crowd, gathered to catch a glimpse of him.Cries of joy erupt from below on seeing him. Tamilchelvam raises Anandan’s hesitant hand aloft to wave and Santosh Sivan’s camera rises along with their hands and looks down at the people who have become putty in those hands.“This is the power of people.This is what Lenin Stalin and Hitler slogged to attain.The power to reach the masses”, Tamilchelvam points out.“I am just an actor”, Anandan protests.“They don’t think like that.They have carved your figure in their hearts.They will even give their life for your sake.What are you going to do with this?”.“What should I do?” ,Anandan does not know.“You should make use of this.You should increase it thousand fold for the party.Everything depends on your face and the silverscreen “ instructs Tamilchelvam.

As A R Rehman’s brilliant score soars over us, Anandan ever the quick learner, removes his scarf and throws it to the people gathered below, whipping them into a frenzy.Together they dream of a casteless society without corruption or abuse of power or poverty.They envision a society where power and responsibility go hand in hand and where their Tamil flourishes..Anandan also later joins the party.Though he is sincere and respects the party principles and leaders, he has joined the party only to further his ambitions as an actor.Tamilchelvam rightly guesses his motive and resents it.He also begins to get jealous of Anandan’s popularity.He tries to block Anandan’s rise in the party by opposing the leader's decision to field him in the election..Later when he is elected as Chief Minister with Anandan’s support, he refuses to make him a minister.“You can have whatever you want, if you stop acting.It is not my decision.It is the executive committee’s decision”, Tamilchelvam tells Anandan,when Anandan expresses his interest to become the Health minister.Inspite of this Anandan does not allow his supporters to badmouth Tamilchelvam.But everything crumbles soon after the death of the leader.Anandan asks to see the financial accounts of the party and is expelled from the party.He then launches his own party and rest is history.Anandan’s popularity keeps him in power for the next decade.None can defeat him.But unexpectedly,Anandan dies in his sleep on the eve of the third election .Anandan’s death causes great pain anguish to Tamilchelvam and the movie ends with a grieving Tamilchelvam,the poet in him reciting a eulogy for his dead friend.

Maniratnam focuses mainly on the relation between the friends,keeping the rest in background.MGR’s populistic schemes,the corruption in both the regimes,the controversial Gupta commision report , the political rhetoric of the parties, their lovelives – all are covered in the passing.Though Kalpana, Jayalalitha’s character, is devoted considerable amount of time.Curiously,she gets killed in an accident.I believe it could be because Maniratnam would have preferred to end the movie with a grieving Tamilchelvam,than with a Kalpana coming to power.After all the movie is about friendship.

Also, the movie is very culture speicifc.It takes for granted that you are aware of certain incidents,facts and the then prevailing political atmosphere making it difficult for outsiders to relate to the movie.But then,it is their loss !!

“IRUVAR’S” casting is nothing short of brilliant,with the exception of ofcourse Aishwarya Rai.She looks breathtakingly beautiful as Anandan’s first wife.But as Kalpana (Jayalalitha supposedly resembles MGR’s dead first wife.So Aishwarya Rai plays both Anandan’s first wife and after her death comes again in the role of Jayalalitha), she is a pain to watch.

Mohan Lal, the Malayalee actor is just perfect as Anandan what with MGR himself being a malayalee.I am ever impressed with this actor.Someone who deserves lot more and by lot many.

There is this scene with the Police commissioner Nair ,who tells Anandan, the CM then , that Tamilchelvam has been arrested (for protesting against the suppression of the Gupta commision report). The commissioner assures him that Anandan has emerged victorious in the whole mess.“You call this victory?! “ Anandan asks Nair and momentarily slips into malayalam."Sending my old friend to jail?"..Brilliant..just brilliant!.

The day before Anandan dies,Tamilchelvam and he, accidentally meet at the marriage of a common friend.Anandan on his own accord walks and sits next to Tamilchelvam.As the photographers start clicking furiously, both sit without exchanging a word, but their heart reverberates with old emotions.As Anandan gets up to leave,he slips and Tamilchelvam immediately leans to catch him.He notices that his friend looks ill.
“Anandan,what is wrong?” , worry creases Tamilchelvam’s forehead.“Nothing…I am fine”,Anandan smiles."The body is for the earth,but life is for Tamil."he jokes, referring to their youth’s passion.Tamilchelvam laughs with him.“With election round the corner,we cannot be seen smiling thus in public!”,Anandan pats his friend and leaves.Kya Baat!!

The next day,when Tamilchelvam gets the news he cannot believe it!He rushes to see his friend.But he is asked to wait out, as Anandan’s body is being dressed.A touch of irony here as makeup is being shown applied to the dead Anandan – an actor to the end.
Tamilchelvam is unable to share his pain with anybody there..(Bloody brilliant acting my Prakash Raj here).There is nobody there who can relate to his pain,much less believe him .He tries to ask the yound doctor present there,but words fail him.The Commissioner talks to him about security concerns!! He leaves without seeing his body.

The climax alternates between shots of Anandan’s funeral procession and Tamilchelvam reciting eulogy to his friend in their meeting place of yonder!…

Interestingly,Suhasini Maniratnam has penned the dialogues.I would have never guessed she had so much in her.Good job Ma'am!

The struggling actor, the Star, the lover, the friend who feels betrayed , the successful politician – Mohan Lal’s acting brings out all the nuances of his character.

But more than Mohan Lal, it is Prakash Raj as Karunanidhi who is the most impressive.He fits the Dravidian politican role to a tee.He deserved the national award for ‘Best supporting actor’. His tamil diction is impeccable.He is a Kannadiga,mind you! Inspite of that Arvindswamy has lent his voice for Tamilchelvam’s poetry renditions. Mr.Swamy gets the emotions right.

Revathi,Tabu,Nasser,all play their role perfectly.

Since Tamilchelvam is a poet,we get to hear some wonderful tamil poetry, thanks to Vairamuthu.His pennings - be it for the revolutionary Tamil hero,whom Anandan plays in the silver screen, or the one for Tamilchelvam’s description of his love for Tabu – do not fail to give you goosebumps.Perhaps its this poetry that motivated me to write about the movie.

Maniratnam has undertaken to paint a mammoth canvas,which spans close to four decades…four decades of Tamil movies,politics and life. And succeeds brilliantly. He is aided splendidly in this job by A R Rehman.From classical songs of 50s to 70s jazz ARR is awesome.

Inspite of all this,the movie failed at the box office!!! The reason, I believe is Maniratnam’s Anandan and Tamilchelvam are nothing like the audience’s idea of MGR and Karunanidhi. To sculpt his MGR and Karunanidhi ,he has whittled down all their negative traits and has retained only that was good and pure in them ..Anandan,the ambitious actor,the charmer,the dreamer, the do-gooder and Tamilchelvam , the poet,the socialist,the reformist,the champion for the cause of Tamil – both good friends with a little jealousy and ego between them.

The non-believers would have been irked by the idealism portrayed by the characters, the believers would have been hurt to see that their leaders are not flawless and the ordinary men would have found it difficult to relate to these people,for its true as Mani claims in the beginning - they are fictional!

Yes Mr.Ratnam,I agree with you! Your story is not a true story.For you talk about what could have been,not what was ! It is fictional alright!

Finally I will close my article with this Eulogy by Tamilchelvan,which hits there where it hits most.And incites me,a Non-Tamil,so called Bihari to write a homage on the legendary 'Iruvar-The Duo'

My dear friend,my heartfelt,shower of diamonds,are you gone?
Sometime ago,in our youth,we ate out of the same plate and slept on the same bed,
Those memories wrench my heart
Our eyes are different,but our dreams are alike
Our hearts are different,but our memories are alike
Our fortresses are different,but are ideals are alike

Always seeking to be the best,you had to better me in death too!!

Where are the hands that garlanded me in my victory?
Where is the finger that dried my eyes?
Where is the voice that was my music, the lips that uttered my dialogues?
Where is the shoulder that bore my weight!

Would you never see me again?

I have no bitterness or enmity now
My heart has no medicine like death

I sought to speak one word with you,I couldn't
I sought to enquire after your health,I couldn't
Today, I wish to kiss your rose like face,I can't
I wish to stop my pouring,I can't...

Farewell my friend,Farewell!!!

Save a bed near you for me
Some day I will come to you

If another golden era came my way and the throne be mine..
Your dreams and mine will materialise in the one era
The ears of your tomb will receive the good news..

( and subtitles track)

~Simply Shekhar

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Not so Hidden Title

the time didnt arrive
when we would be together.
Hands in hands,forever and ever,
in the clutches of love duly chained.

didnt foray into domain,
that demanded courageous call.
though took me to your choices battle,
and in-sensitively you silently refrained

disarray my life was now,
losing wasnt painful but losing how?
It mauled my soul within,left it blood stained.
Eyes hidingly lost their tears whenever it rained.

now a nomad in the caravan,
of loneliness,anxiety and suffering,
your presence was the only holding string,
Losing a puppet isn't big deal,you had explained.