Thursday, June 14, 2012

Aur Ek Pain Kahaani....Short Story

Rohan wasnt willing to enter his home today.It wasnt the shame,or guilt that was bothering him,but the teared eyes of Ma.He rememberd how had she reacted the day he had entered after smoking.Today Rohan was drunk.

Kusum always knew his son Rohan though was sincere,decent,strong and orderly,yet the blood within him was of an addict who died young.It had been difficult for her to bring up her two kids,but being the epitome of strength she had done her duties brilliantly.Lathika,her daughter was married to Nishanth,an entrepreneur and settled in North Carolina and Rohan was ACP for the city,cracking the IPS exams at the tender age of 23.

After News flash during his 0930PM regular drill with Officials,a confirmation from the Minstry he was in a state of shock.He wasnt able to conduct his session nor was able to calm himself down.First time his legs were trembling and eyes were bleeding tears.He quietly slipped into his cabin and gulped the bottle a goon had kept there despite his threats.

How will he say this to Ma,her only mode of smile had been faded.No he wont.But he knew Kusum was avid news tracker and she cant be kept in dark for too long.He drank his heart out.Reached for his belongings and drove to home.

He rang the bell,'Kani ruku,aiwi rahal Chhi,(please wait I am coming)'.Kusum opened the door with same glazing face and a smile which made everyday a pleasure to return home for Rohan.'I know you are drunk,you shouldnt do these things.At 25 you are doing these things.Do you want to leave me too.'Her voice had coarsed now.

Rohan could not stop his tears,he tried to say but controlled himself.Kusum came up with a glass of lemonade and kept it on a table.

Rohan picked up his glass and his hands were trembling.Below the glass was his and Kusum's passport and two tickets.

'Now freshen up fast,flight is at 0400AM and its already midnight,they are planning her cremation day after tomorrow.Lets met her for the last time.' said Kusum with agonized voice and hidden tears

Lathika had been shot dead by a student on a shooting spree in the school she taught.

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